
嫩草影院, Irvine

Student Code of Conduct

Section 1

Provision 2: Student Code of Conduct

UCI’s Student Code of Conduct outlines expectations for student behavior, defining acceptable and unacceptable activities to promote a respectful and lawful campus community.

As a condition of enrollment, all students assume responsibility to observe standards of conduct that will contribute to the pursuit of academic goals and to the welfare of the academic community.

Potentially relevant state and federal laws include the following: .

Federal law regarding the University’s responsibility to address discrimination, including expressive conduct, based upon certain characteristics: , .

Introduction to PACAOS

Policies Applying to Campus Activities, Organizations, and Students (PACAOS) outline the rights and responsibilities of University community members and visitors on University property. 

For information on student rights and responsibilities and our FAQ, refer to the .

The standards of conduct apply to students. They also apply to: applicants who become students, for offenses committed as part of the application process; applicants who become students, for offenses committed on campus and/or while participating in University-related events or activities that take place following a student’s submittal of the application through his or her official enrollment; and former students for offenses committed while a student. Refer to for additional information on student status.

Discipline may be imposed for the commission or attempted commission (including aiding or abetting in the commission or attempted commission) of violations specified in campus regulations. Student conduct policies outline grounds for discipline, including, but not limited to, off-campus behavior, physical abuse, harassment, destruction of or damage to property, and other violations of University policies, regulations, and rules.

Student Conduct & Discipline

The Office of Academic Integrity & Student Conduct is responsible for ensuring that students comply with and understand university policies related to academic integrity and student conduct by promoting student learning and development. 

Students are afforded the following rights as it relates to Student Code of Conduct proceedings:

  • The right to a fair and thorough investigation.
  • The right to have a .
  • The right to a prompt investigation.
  • The right to be informed of the outcome.
  • The right to privacy and confidentiality.
  • The right to appeal.

For more information, including resources, visit the .