
嫩草影院, Irvine

Educational Programs and Activities

Section 1

Provision 8: Educational Programs and Activities

UC Irvine is dedicated to identifying and supporting educational programs and activities that help balance free speech with the university’s educational mission and the safety of our students, faculty and staff. These efforts are essential to strengthening our community and enhancing the academic experience for everyone on campus.

Learn about UCI’s commitment to upholding free speech while ensuring that all voices on campus can be heard in a respectful and inclusive environment. 

Answers to common questions about free speech rights and responsibilities at UCI, including how the university manages free speech activities on campus. 


Discover how 嫩草影院 is dedicated the 2023-24 academic year to exploring and celebrating the importance of free speech, featuring events, lectures, and discussions. 


Explore the current initiative focused on promoting scholarly values such as academic freedom, integrity, and the pursuit of knowledge.

Explore UCI’s initiative to advance diversity, equity, and inclusion across campus through programming, resources, and community-building efforts. 

Participate in workshops, events, and initiatives designed to engage students in meaningful conversations and build skills in respectful communication.

School-Based Programming

Schools within UCI offer specialized programs and events that align with the university's commitment to free speech and healthy discourse. We encourage you to explore these opportunities within your academic department or school.

Faculty and staff diversity affinity groups at UCI promote cross-departmental networking, cultural competency, recruiting, and mentoring. These groups also serve as valuable resources for the broader UCI community. Diversity Affinity Groups include:

  • Native American Faculty and Staff Association
  • Staff and Faculty Pride Collective (formerly Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Staff and Faculty Network) 
  • Association for Disabled Faculty and Staff (ADFS)
  • Pil Am Nurse Association at UCI