
嫩草影院, Irvine

Complaint Resolution Process

Section 1

Provision 4: Complaint Resolution Process

The process for resolving a complaint of a policy violation at UC Irvine is typically outlined in the policy governing the specific type of alleged violation. For instance, the and related procedures detail how such complaints are handled.

Suspected criminal activity on campus is reported to the relevant law enforcement agency.

UC Irvine’s (OEOD) addresses all student and employee concerns related to discrimination, sexual harassment, or sexual violence.


The (OAISC) manages concerns related to academic misconduct and behavioral issues. OAISC also offers guidance on academic grievances and disputes.


The oversees disciplinary actions for academic senate faculty and provides support for resolving workplace concerns, including disputes over academic conduct, evaluations, and faculty rights.


Workforce Relations administers staff grievances and complaints, offering guidance to supervisors and managers, and issuing final responses on behalf of the university. They also represent the university in arbitration and Unfair Labor Practices (ULP) charges. 

Represented staff should refer to their for grievance processes, while non-represented staff in Professional & Support Staff (PSS) and Managers & Senior Professionals (MSP) positions should consult .

Questions and complaints may be submitted to:


Individuals not affiliated with the campus are subject to criminal prosecution for crimes committed on campus and may be excluded from campus under Penal Code section 626. Violations of campus policies may result in partial or total exclusion from campus facilities. If campus policy does not specify due process for non-affiliated individuals, the campus provides written notice and an opportunity to respond in writing before imposing any consequences.